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Music Sheets and a Cross


Rev. Annie Parker

“We are centered in Christ and powered by love.”
A Heartfelt Welcome to our Newly Elected Pastor!
On Sunday, August 25, we enthusiastically welcomed Rev. Annie Parker as the new minister of the First Presbyterian Church of Salem, and we couldn't be happier to have her join our family!
Finding Faith and Community at First Presbyterian Church

At First Presbyterian Church of Salem, our ministry really is our ministry! Presbyterians believe that no one person has all the knowledge or skills that are needed to serve Jesus Christ in the way we want to serve him. We believe that we make the best decisions when we make them in conversation with one another. In fact, we believe that the Holy Spirit speaks to us most clearly as we listen to each others’ viewpoints. We are here to welcome you home!


We've been connecting people to God since 1832! Become a part of our congregation in Salem, OH. Even if you can't be here in person, join us virtually by watching services on Facebook and YouTube. You can also catch up on any past sermons you may have missed by clicking here.


Welcome to an inviting space that allows you to explore faith and connect with others through social gatherings, get-togethers and fun outings, along with educational opportunities, and volunteer work. We look forward to sharing this journey with you!

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We know discovering a new church can be daunting, which is why we welcome everyone with open arms. Our loving community can't wait to meet you
and your family. Here at FPC, we pursue the
Glory of God through worship, ministry, giving
and education.

9:00 AM - Sunday School
for Youth and Adults (in Library)
10:00 AM - Fellowship Hour
(Coffee Time @ 10 a.m. in Fellowship Hall)
 10:30 AM - Worship
Main Auditorium
 Services can be streamed from the links below

January 26, 2025


Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Luke 4:14-21

“Finally, Some Good News”

Mike Newman

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Service @ 10:30 am

JAN. 19


JAN. 12

2nd Sunday

after Epiphany


of the Lord

Isaiah 62:1-5
John 2:1-11

“Seeing is Believing”

Liturgist – Lynn Zocolo
Isaiah 43:1-7
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

“Belonging to God”

Ryan Gillis

14 Then Jesus, in the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and

a report about him spread through all the surrounding region.

15 He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. 16 When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written:  18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to

set free those who are oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  20 And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him.  21 Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” 

Luke 4:14-21





    of Salem


in  the


Sunday Worship Bulletins:  cost is $15.00 a Sunday.



Chancel Flowers - donated anonymously to the Glory of God. Open Dates for Flowers are January 26 (2 vases), February 23 (1 vase), March 9 (2 vases), March 23 (1 vase), March 30 (1 vase), April 27 (1 vase), May 4 (1 vase). Cost is $10.00 a vase.


Open Dates for Bulletins – February 2, 16, 23, March 2, 16, 23, 30. Please call the Church Office if you have a standing flower and/or bulletin order and wish to continue in 2025.


Open Dates for Flowers are February 23, March 9, 16, 23, 30. Cost is $10.00 a vase.

Session Packets are in hallway mailboxes today in time for the Regular Session Meeting this Thursday, January 23, at 7:00 p.m. in the Library and Hybrid. The Environmental Team will meet Sun, January 26 at 12:00 p.m. in the Library.


Soup to Go Next Sunday – Chicken Noodle The price of the soup at $5.00, but with the rise in cost of the ingredients, we will not have as much money to donate to the local missions. If at all possible, please consider adding a small donation when you purchase your soup. Please return jars and lids.

Annual Meeting of the Congregation - Sunday, February 2 immediately after morning worship for the purposes of receiving reports and electing officers. 2024 Annual Reports will be available next Sunday, January 26.

Daytimers – Wednesday, February 5, 12 Noon in Fellowship Hall / Bring covered dish to share.

Program – Jennifer Zamarelli will speak about “Hospice” and possibly volunteer opportunities.

2025 Directory - Coming Soon: To update our membership directory (no pictures) and to enhance communications, please let the Church Office know if you no longer have a landline phone and are using a cell phone number,

330-337-9555, or send an e-mail to

2025 Calendars - compliments of Stark Memorial Funeral Home, are at Sanctuary entrances.


Officer Training - it will be held today after worship in the Library. A light lunch will be provided.


Investment Committee – Tuesday, January 7 8:30 a.m. via Zoom

Café Justo’s great Organic Coffee - served every Sunday during Coffee Hour is for sale today in Fellowship Hall! Cost is $12.00 for a 1-pound bag of regular, decaf, or whole bean coffee. Cooperative members own the entire business from the growing through the roasting, and the coffee is famous for its smooth taste and low acidity. It is Organic certified and has a Fair Trade Plus certification.

VOLUNTEERS for COFFEE HOUR - The past few years, members of Session Committees,

Deacons, and Choir managed coffee hour duties for a month of Sundays. Recently, other members

expressed interest in helping with Coffee Hour. Starting soon, every third Sunday of the month will

be open for new volunteers. If you'd like to help, please sign up on the Coffee Hour form. It will be in

the Fellowship Hall, on a small table. Committee members will still be on hand each month to guide

new volunteers until they feel confident with the "Coffee Hour Routine." 

Daytimers – Wednesday, January 8 Come join us at 12 Noon in Fellowship Hall. Please bring a covered dish to share. The program will be “Free Three” by Amy Bordonaro, the executive director of ‘Free Three’. She will talk about Anti Trafficking for Columbiana County​​​​​​​​

Soup to Go – The Congregational Care committee is looking for Soup to Go teams for the coming year. Paul Fennema will kick the year off with his famous chili in November. The committee is looking for additional teams to make soup next year.

New Church School Class Possibility - Our Session’s Christian Education Committee is discussing the possibility of adding a Sunday morning church school class for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Graders. Rather than survey the whole congregation, we would appreciate your sharing names of your children, grandchildren, or possible other children who might be interested in such a class. This class would be a time of learning about Jesus by reading stories, singing songs, and participating in other activities as their first introduction to church and God’s love. Please put names or contact information in the offering plate or the Church Office mailbox as soon as possible. Thanks! ~ Judy Herron, Moderator of CE Committee

EGG CARTONS for SALEM COMMUNITY PANTRY - We still need of egg cartons. If you are interested in helping, please take the empty cartons to 794 East 3rd St. (corner of 3rd & Vine) and drop them in the collection box near the pantry door. 

Preschool Supplies Needed – Paper Towels, Clorox Wipes, Hand Sanitizer, Tissues, Markers, Small Glue Bottles, Fruit and Vegetable Cups, Granola and Cereal Bars. The Preschool will appreciate it greatly if anyone can donate any of these items.

Preschool Ongoing Fundraiser – Little Critters Soda from Kast Iron – 1 bottle for $3.00 or 2 bottles for $5.00. Root Beer, Orange, Black Cherry, Blue Raspberry.

Preschool Scholarship Fund - is currently receiving applications for that will reduce the tuition rates for parents of preschool students that need some monetary assistance in order to attend our preschool this year. The Preschool would appreciate any contribution you could give so more students can attend this year's preschool. We now have expanded our preschool to include both AM and PM classes and any contribution would help more students to attend either the AM or PM class. This can be done by contributing through your church contributions. Put the words "Preschool Scholarship Fund" on your check or envelope will ensure the funds go to scholarships to preschool children. The Preschool Board thanks you!

Troop 3 B is having a recruiting drive seeking adult leaders and young persons, ages 11-18. Qualifications: adherence to the Scout Oath and Law, a love of adventure, learning and teamwork. Perks: a world-class team, adventure, and learning amazing things. For more information, see Mark Smith or Frank Lewis.

Little Lending Library - BIG Thank you to Karl Wright for creating and contributions welcome by all. Let's keep it filled!

Beaver Creek Church Camp – As the Beaver Creek Church Camp Board, we are ecstatic to announce that our 2025 Camp Season will begin this June! As we await this camping season, the YMCA will be making extensive renovations to update our camp facilities to accentuate the beauty of God’s creation surrounding us. Beaver Creek Camp will be under construction for the time being, causing us to delay our Open House. We invite you to our official camp site unveiling this spring! Stay tuned for updates on the renovations including before and after pictures! ~ Steve Cramer

Blessings Jars Benefit Presbyterian Hurricane Relief - Please take a jar home with you (at Sanctuary entrances) and drop your pocket change in the jar to show gratitude for your many blessings. Return the jars to church on December 22 or 24.

2025 Offering Envelopes - are available today in thr Fellowship Hall. If you need a box, please call the Church Office Office.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - are part of a large and dedicated community of disaster response organizations assisting with needs and resources from Hurricane Helene. In these difficult times, we are called to respond through generosity, action and prayer – continually standing in the “gap” to uplift our neighbors and offer hope in their journey toward recovery. Make checks payable to the church and mark ‘Hurricane Helene’ on the memo line. Please continue to pray for survivors, those who have experienced loss of loved ones, and responders.

Prepare the Way – The Perfect Gift Through the Christmas Joy Offering, we reflect God’s perfect gift to us. Our gifts smooth the path for current and retired church workers and their families in their time of critical need; and prepare the way for our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. We are there with the leaders of our church – past, present and future. Please join us in the Christmas Joy Offering. If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot! (A Christmas Joy Offering envelope is included with this newsletter.)

The Congregational Care Committee has a special gift for all of you this morning – a beautiful Danish heart. Please take one with you at the end of the service today, enjoy the sweet candy treat inside, then find a special place to display it as a reminder of Jesus, God’s gift of love for us.